8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Celebrating 300 Late Night Health Episodes with The Blaine Group

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Celebrating 300 Late Night Health Episodes with The Blaine Group



In celebration of the 300th Late Night Health show, host Mark Alyn invited his friend Devon Blaine, CEO of The Blaine Group, an award-winning, Beverly Hills-headquartered public relations agency, to join him on air.

The two have had a long history, not only due to the talk shows Mark hosted prior to Late Night Health but also through media training and video projects with which Mark has assisted The Blaine Group’s clients.

Late Night Health is also a proud annual in-kind sponsor of the Susan G. Komen Los Angeles County affiliate, one of The Blaine Group’s clients. As a result, Mark not only covers Komen’s Annual Race for the Cure® but also the statewide Circle of Promise initiative, the annual metastatic Breast Cancer conference, and other events throughout the year such as the month-long Pink Saves campaign that the Citadel conducted in October with a series of events held throughout National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Devon commented that Mark frequently asks a question she would not have anticipated. Never a difficult one. Definitely not an investigative one but rather a “surprise” one.

“That’s because he thinks differently,” Devon explained. “Like the time he interviewed the CEO of Little Black Pants, a well-fitting online women’s pant line, based on a fit technology, ‘How do you fit the technology in your pants?’”

Happy 300th show, Mark!


The Blaine Group specializes in developing and implementing public relations campaigns and marketing strategies as comprehensive communications campaigns or as stand-alone entities. It also handles investor relations and financial public relations activities for its publicly-traded clients. The Blaine Group is located at 8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. The telephone number is 310.360.1499 and the URL is blainegroupinc.com.